SRIMATAD KISAN AGRO PVT LTD (SKAPL) is one of the fastest growing, professionally managed company which has emerged as a lead supplier of agro inputs Karnataka State from 2018.

The manufacturing/Import unit set up in Mysore in the year 2024.

SRIMATAD is a leading expert in specialty fertilizers, delivering exceptional plant nutrition products and supporting growers in India.

SRIMATAD combines vision and leadership, technology and innovation, all while striving to create cutting-edge solutions for tomorrow’s challenges in agriculture and industry.

The manufacturing/Import unit set up in Mysore in the year 2024.

SRIMATAD develops a wide range of customized specialty fertilizers in the coming years. Our premium products are highly efficient, compatible, and provide optimized plant nutrition solutions.

Our customized agro inputs enable application convenience, assure environmental friendliness, and maximize yields from given inputs under diverse farming conditions.

The manufacturing/Import unit set up in Mysore in the year 2024.

Efficient fertilizers and fertilization methods have become the only answer to the ever-growing demand for farm produce. Modern agriculture must supply the optimum dose of nutrients to the crop throughout the growth cycle in the most efficient manner and without degrading soil and water resources.

Fertigation and foliar application of fertilizers enable highly efficient use of nutrients.


Started agro retail business in 2018-19 and increased branches in multiple locations, stores are developed as Multi-brand retail outlets in fertiliser, organics, seeds, pesticides, bio-stimulants, specialities, Agri-tools and advisory services by visiting farmer villages and plots.


Started Agro retail in different name as KISAN AGRO CHEMICALS and started multiple outlets under this name in multiple districts.

Presently, we own outlets under different SBUs under one Group.  

  1. Krushi Chemicals.
  2. Srimatad Kisan agro Pvt Ltd.
  3. Shichi Agro India Pvt Ltd.

Established a new unit in Mysore to develop the own imports and manufactures of speciality products, water soluables and speciality plant growth development prodcuts as per the FCO guidelines given by GOI.


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